
  • Is feeding nuts to toddlers and young children good?

    Nuts are healthy but can also kill – use carefully in young children

    Do not feed nuts to children less than four years of age!

    Our ancestors have prized nuts as a great, dense source of nutrients. In Indian folklore, our forefathers recommended students eat almonds to improve their memory. While most of these beliefs are based on fact, we strongly recommended that you do not feed nuts to your child till he/she is beyond four years of age

  • Did you know?

    Drinking just one 12 oz (roughly 350 ml) can/bottle of sweetened, carbonated beverage ups the risk of developing diabetes by as much as 20%! [1]

    1. Diabetologica DOI 10.1007/s00125-013-2899-8

  • Can I avoid circumcision on my child?

    The good news is that most of the time one can avoid circumcision in children with tight foreskins. As I have explained here, almost all male newborns are born with tight foreskins. If the child does not have any problems, it is best to wait it out for natural separation to occur in almost 95% of all children by 5 years of age. They just require the usual care of the foreskin in uncircumcised boys.


  • Is the surgery normal, Doctor?

    Crossing a busy street

    This is probably one of the most common questions that I encounter. By the time this question comes up, I have already discussed about the near negligible risks (but not zero) of surgery and anesthesia in children at least twice. The actual risk of death for healthy children undergoing anesthesia is of the order of 1:100000 children undergoing anesthesia. To define this in easily understood terms, the risk is less than half the risk of crossing a busy street. We merrily (or should I say with gay abandon!) cross streets 15-20 times a day at the very least, paying nary a thought to the very real possibility of an accident.
